The Future of Aviation Starts Here

Utah’s Air Logistics and Transportation Alliance

The Air Logistics and Transportation Alliance is a coalition of industry leaders, policymakers, and community members working together to build a safe, collaborative, and prosperous future for all Utahns through advanced air mobility.

Community Infrastructure

Uniting Communities and Creating Access for Every Utahn

Advanced air mobility requires new and modified ground infrastructure to enable electric aircraft to take off, land, charge, load and unload passengers and cargo. We are facilitating critical engagement between community members, policymakers, and industry leaders to ensure this new infrastructure is safe and enhances the local quality of life.

Passenger Transport

Changing the Way Utahns Move

Electric and other new types of aircraft will revolutionize urban and regional mobility in Utah with new modes of passenger transportation. With the right approach, AAM will provide Utahns with more travel choices that reduce traffic congestion and improve mobility.

Cargo Transport

Enabling Economic Opportunity

Autonomous aerial cargo vehicles will help Utah businesses transport their products more efficiently. By reducing our reliance on ground-based cargo transport, cargo drones will help alleviate traffic congestion, increase the safety of Utah’s roads, improve air quality, and stimulate economic growth across our state. Together, we can create a future where advanced air mobility not only helps businesses thrive but also strengthens the fabric of our communities.


Serving Communities Across Utah

Autonomous aerial delivery is already revolutionizing the way Utahns access everything from lifesaving medicines to their favorite takeout food. We’re committed to safely expanding delivery services to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, lower shipping costs, hasten delivery times, and expand the range of products available to Utah residents.


An Elevated Approach

The key to unlocking the full potential of advanced air mobility in Utah lies in creating a responsible regulatory framework that enables innovation, enhances safety, and lays the foundation for sustainable growth. By connecting industry leaders and community members with policymakers we are fostering a regulatory environment that ensures Utah’s advanced air mobility ecosystem meets the unique needs and values of our communities.

Latest News

Stay up to Date on the Latest Advanced Air Mobility Developments in Utah


The UDOT report noted several benefits of developing an air taxi system, including a faster connection between rural areas and population centers. The report also noted…


As cities around the world gear up for the future of air mobility, Utah is building the technology that will help to make it all possible. From advanced materials to thermal management…


As Utah is preparing to host the world for the Olympics again in 2034, we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make investments that will benefit our children and grandchildren…

Get in Touch

We Want to Hear from You

Project Alta is a community-driven alliance and your feedback is important to us. Contact us today if you’re interested in joining the alliance or have questions about Project Alta.